آخر الأخبار
السيد راي اوفنيسر : الأمم المتحدة تخذل أطفال اليمن
الجمعة 17 يونيو-حزيران 2016 الساعة 01 صباحاً / جبهة 26 آذار الإعلامية


السيد راي اوفنيسر رئيس منظمة اوكسفام أمريكا نشر الأربعاء 15 يونيو 2016م مقالا في موقع تايم الأمريكي بعنوان الأمم المتحدة تخذل أطفال اليمن. 

الخلاصة إعداد الدكتور جمال الضبيبي

المقال يبدأ باستعراض واقع حياة المدنيين في اليمن بسبب الحرب وبسبب الضربات الجوية لتحالف العدوان بقيادة السعودية ثم يستعرض خاتمة تقرير الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة بان كي مون الذي أدان تحالف العدوان بقيادة السعودية والمدعوم أمريكيا وغربيا وضمه للقائمة السوداء. 

بعد ذلك يستعرض رئيس المنظمة الضغوطات السعودية على الأمم المتحدة والتهديد بقطع تمويل برامجها الذي أفضى بعد ذلك إلى قرار الأمم المتحدة استبعاد تحالف العدوان بقيادة السعودية من القائمة السوداء للجماعات المسلحة التي تشكل خطراً على الأطفال والطفولة، هذا القرار بحسب رئيس المنظمة يؤثر على مصداقية الأمم المتحدة كوسيط لإنهاء الحرب في اليمن.

يضيف رئيس المنظمة بالقول إن خيانة الأمم المتحدة لأطفال اليمن يعد فشلا لريادة الأمم المتحدة إلا أنه ليس بالأمر الغير اعتيادي بالنسبة للأمم المتحدة التي طالما خذلت اليمنيين في مواجهة انتهاكات تحالف العدوان بقيادة السعودية على اليمن والمدعوم أمريكيا وبريطانيا وغربيا وذلك بفضل أصدقاء التحالف الغربيين المتمثلين في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية والمملكة المتحدة الذين وقفوا ضد مشروع القرار الهولندي. 

يختم رئيس المنظمة بالقول إن الأمم المتحدة خذلت اليمن بسكوت أقوى هيئة فيها وهي مجلس الأمن الدولي حيال جرائم وانتهاكات تحالف العدوان بقيادة السعودية على اليمن والمدعوم أمريكيا وغربيا. 

* المقال بالإنجليزية 

The U.N. Failed Yemen’s Children (orginally published in the American site Time)

By: Ray Offenheiser 

Ray Offenheiser is the President of Oxfam America.

The U.N. must prioritize the survival of Yemenis over its bilateral relations

We sit by as if waiting for our turn to die,” a Yemeni woman named Aisha told my Oxfam colleague earlier this year. It’s a fair summation of most Yemenis’ attitudes towards the war that a U.S.-backed, Saudi-led coalition has waged on behalf of the Government of Yemen against Houthi rebels. The conflict has left more than 21 million people in Yemen dependent on foreign aid to survive, more than anywhere else on the planet. The parties to the conflict have all committed horrific violations of the laws of war and created one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises.

That was the conclusion of U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in the annual report on Children and Armed Conflict that he recently released. Ban announced that the U.N. had documented widespread abuses of children’s rights including the recruitment of 762 child soldiers, largely by the Houthis, and the killing of 785 children, mostly as a result of bombardment by the Saudi-led coalition. The message was clear: among those fighting in Yemen, no hands are clean.

Saudi Arabia promptly insisted that the U.N. remove it from the report’s blacklist and threatened to cut off relations with and funding for the U.N. if it did not comply. Amazingly, and to the U.N.’s great discredit, the threat succeeded. By capitulating, the U.N. relinquished some of its much-needed credibility as a mediator in Yemen and backtracked on the first of the founding promises of its charter, “to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war.”

It is tempting to view the U.N.’s betrayal of Yemeni children exclusively as a failure of the U.N.’s leadership, but this incident is not an anomaly. For over a year, powerful U.N. member states have helped insulate the Saudi-led coalition from culpability and, in so doing, fueled its righteous outrage at attempts to hold it to account. Since its intervention in Yemen began over 15 months ago, the coalition has found the U.N. a highly convenient venue in which to be absolved of human rights abuses—thanks largely to the enabling of Saudi Arabia’s powerful allies, the U.S. and the U.K.

In September, the U.N. Human Rights Council considered a Dutch resolution to establish an independent investigation into violations of international law by all sides in Yemen’s conflict. This even-handed approach proved too threatening for the Saudi-based coalition. With support from the US and U.K., it succeeded in moving an alternative proposal, under which the Government of Yemen, a party to the conflict with no presence or capacity to investigate in most areas of the country, would conduct the investigation. To no one’s surprise, the investigation has not published so much as an allegation in the nine months since its establishment.

The U.N. has failed Yemen most through the silence of its most powerful body, the Security Council. The Council last adopted a substantive resolution on the situation in May 2015, following the coalition’s intervention. That resolution confirmed the legitimacy of the ousted government and demanded the Houthis disarm and stop exercising government functions. Rather than use these demands as leverage to bring the Houthis to the negotiating table, the government and the Saudi-led coalition have held them out as preconditions to peace and strengthened their resolve to defeat the Houthis. The result has been an ever-worsening humanitarian catastrophe and a military stalemate, with both sides reluctant to make concessions. The Council’s voice is sorely needed to break the deadlock, but the U.S. and U.K. have opposed the kind of collective action that might embarrass their Gulf allies.

With much of Yemen’s population on the verge of famine and without access to basic health services, the U.N. and its most powerful 

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